Smart city and Smart home IoT app

Internet of Things has created a tremendous buzz in the mobile application development business. It is believed to remarkably impact every home and businesses in coming decade.

What is IoT? and How IoT Works?

Internet of Things has created a tremendous buzz in the mobile application development business. It is believed to remarkably impact every home and businesses in coming decade. The concept of IoT is to simply connect all the things (physical devices) to the Internet. Experts have to say that whooping 50 billion devices will be connected to the Internet by 2020. Internet of Things has created a tremendous buzz in the mobile app development business.
From smartphones and tablets, every small big utility devices let’s say Air Conditioner of your drawing room or a coffee/tea makers, from your bicycle to a big machines that run at factories, wearable devices and cars, almost every devices with a sensor on it will be connected for the exchange of data and its practical usage in the real time. This powerful network is termed as Internet of Things (IoT). This exchange of the data will be directional between the sensors and the system. These sensors can be temperature sensors, biometric devices, motion sensors, BLE devices like beacons, flow meters etc.
Nowadays, lots of devices are available which support Wi-Fi connectivity. Internet is available widely, and cost is affordable. Almost everyone uses smartphone. The cloud makes it happens for you to work anytime, anywhere. All this things create best environment for IoT.

How IoT Works?
– Sensors: Through a communication medium and IoT middleware, sensors will alert you, sensors have been built on Infrared technology, on radar waves, the ones that use chemicals to get activated, and also there are the ones that use sound and acoustics to start working. They transmit data through a communication gateway to enable us to get our work done in an effortless manner.
– Gateways: An IoT gateway is needed to perform the pre-processing of information in the field, before they’re sent to the data center. Keep in mind that a gateway is not just a dump proxy that forwards data from sensors to backend services. You need a gateway that can provide your sensors with a single point of contact with external networks by using BLE, LAN, WiFi, GSM, or some other type of connectivity.
– Cloud/server: Once the data sent to the data center through gateway, it is securely stored and processed within the cloud server using Big Data analytics engine. The processed data is used to carry out smart actions that make all the devices ‘Smart Devices’.
– IoT Mobile apps: The starting point for Internet of Things applications are the things themselves. These edge devices typically have no screen (although that’s not always the case), a low-power processor, some sort of embedded operating system and a way of communicating (usually wirelessly) using one or more communication protocols.

The things may connect directly to the Internet, to neighboring things or to an Internet gateway device – typically a plastic box with blinking lights.
The next tier of the system, an ingestion tier, is software and infrastructure that runs in a corporate data center or in the cloud and receives and organizes the streams of data coming from the things. Software running in the ingestion tier is usually also responsible for managing things and updating their firmware when necessary.
After this comes the analytics tier; this takes the organized data and processes it. Finally, there’s the end-user tier, the application that the end user actually sees and interacts with. This may be an enterprise application, a Web app or, perhaps, a mobile app.


Core Features of smart city and Smart home IoT app for monitor and control smart devices works
Access these features on your mobile and web apps designed with customized specifications

Some hospitals have begun implementing “smart beds” that can detect when they are occupied and when a patient is attempting to get up. It can adjust itself to ensure appropriate pressure and support is applied to the patient without the manual interaction of nurses.
This is one of the industries that benefits from IoT the most. With the Internet of Things, manufacturers can give each of their physical assets a digital identity that enables them to know the exact location and condition of those assets in real time ubiquitously throughout the supply chain.
While the IoT may seem like science fiction, it is becoming reality faster than most of us can comprehend. Retailers that hesitate to develop and execute an IoT strategy will open the door for competitors to swoop in and capture early IoT mindshare and market share.
Since this industry owns the wireless and wireline infrastructure through which data travels, it takes up the primary position in the value chain. This position will eventually translate into major IoT opportunities for the telecommunications sector.
Parking, airports and railways are all areas of transport where low-power connected devices can provide financial benefits for organisations and convenience for consumers. Internet of things network makes it easy to connect these devices “out of the box” as soon as they are installed without the need for any local communications equipment.
Utilities know how to connect devices and collect field and sensor data reliably and securely with standards-based networks. In the age of IoT, utilities have an opportunity to drive a real shift in how they engage with consumers to enable smarter communities, propel local economic development and better manage energy and water.


Core Features of smart city and Smart home IoT app for monitor and control smart devices works
Access these features on your mobile and web apps designed with customized specifications

Some hospitals have begun implementing “smart beds” that can detect when they are occupied and when a patient is attempting to get up. It can adjust itself to ensure appropriate pressure and support is applied to the patient without the manual interaction of nurses.
This is one of the industries that benefits from IoT the most. With the Internet of Things, manufacturers can give each of their physical assets a digital identity that enables them to know the exact location and condition of those assets in real time ubiquitously throughout the supply chain.
While the IoT may seem like science fiction, it is becoming reality faster than most of us can comprehend. Retailers that hesitate to develop and execute an IoT strategy will open the door for competitors to swoop in and capture early IoT mindshare and market share.
Since this industry owns the wireless and wireline infrastructure through which data travels, it takes up the primary position in the value chain. This position will eventually translate into major IoT opportunities for the telecommunications sector.
Parking, airports and railways are all areas of transport where low-power connected devices can provide financial benefits for organisations and convenience for consumers. Internet of things network makes it easy to connect these devices “out of the box” as soon as they are installed without the need for any local communications equipment.
Utilities know how to connect devices and collect field and sensor data reliably and securely with standards-based networks. In the age of IoT, utilities have an opportunity to drive a real shift in how they engage with consumers to enable smarter communities, propel local economic development and better manage energy and water.


Core Features of smart city and Smart home IoT app for monitor and control smart devices works
Access these features on your mobile and web apps designed with customized specifications

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